Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Week 1 - Week 2

"Why is it so important to find something to do with your free time? Because if you don't, someone else will."

Looks like I'm gonna have to get caught up with 23 Things during some of my "free" time. Oh well, this is supposed to be lots of fun - right? And free time should be lots of fun!

7.5 Habits: I love learning new things - in fact I'm counting on all that brain activity warding off dementia in my old age...And I find it easy to teach others things that I've learned to do well. There may be times when it's ok to keep a good thing for yourself - but for the most part - it seems selfish not to share knowledge or skills with others. Y'all know that old saying about teachin' a man to fish... So, that's Habit # 7 - share what you know - it's really very easy.

Now that pesky Habit # 3 - that's the one about viewing every problem as a challenge - WHOA - hold your horses on that one! I agree that there are tons of "opportunities" in my life that I have learned not to treat as end of the world crisis situations But and that's a big BUT - because there are seasons in one's life and times when heavy duty stuff happens. And it happens not with a whimper but a BANG! one right after the other and sometimes one right on top of another and another and another. Fortunately, there are seasons and they do change - just as with the weather - attitude is everything.
April Showers bring May Flowers (Some unpleasant occurrences bring about better things). I'm workin' on it - but it ain't easy.

The first sentence up above is a direct quote from a book I'm reading: Before You Leap - A Frog's-Eye View of Life's Greatest Lessons by Kermit the Frog. Indulge me here...
p. 190 - "By this point you may be wondering why it's so important to find something to do with your free time. The answer is really quite simple. If you don't find something fun to do with your free time, someone else - and I won't mention any names here, but her initials are M.P. - will find something to do with you and your free time. And take it from me: It probably won't be fun and it definitely won't be free."

p.s. Breakin' out of the box (coloring outside the lines) - if that's being contrary - I just might plead guilty.